Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Five ways to create objects - Part 2: Inheritance

Let me start by saying I think inheritance is somewhat overrated in JavaScript. A lot of the inheritance you are going to need is already created for you: Function, String, Number etc. all inherit Object via its prototype.

I actually wonder if more energy goes into intellectual exercises around JavaScript inheritance than into using inheritance for real time solutions. Yes, JavaScript has an excellent inheritance mechanism but lets face it all those examples with furry animals, hierarchies of wheeled vehicles and the like have little real world application in client side coding.

How often do your new objects really need to inherit from other new objects you have created? By its nature the client object modelling is essentially flat (like your monitor). If you find yourself in JavaScript creating complex java-style object models with layers of inheritance then you might want to ask yourself why. Ajax allowed us to defer to the server rather when we used to have to clone our business/server logic on the client. I'd argue such complex data structures are best left to the server, because they perform better, are more easily distributed across subsystems and are probably more suited to classical OOP.

With that said, JavaScript does offer a very nifty inheritance strategy - there are no classes - objects inherit form objects. Period. Its clean and its simple.

So here goes..

Last time I demonstrated five ways to create objects in JavaScript. Now, as promised here's how to apply inheritance in each case. Clearly some cases are more useful than others.

Lets say our notepad from last week's example might need to inherit some properties from a more generic "panel" component.

1. Simple Object Literal

var myApp = {};
myApp.panel = {};
myApp.panel.toggleDisplay = function() {
    this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none")? "" : "none";

myApp.panel.defaultWidth = 300;
myApp.notepad = {};
myApp.notepad.writeable = true;
myApp.notepad.font = 'helvetica';
myApp.notepad.setFont = function(theFont) {
    myApp.notepad.font = theFont;

//OK not inheritance at all. But best we can do, since notepad has no relation to panel.
myApp.notepad.defaultWidth = myApp.panel.defaultWidth;

2. Nested Object Literal

var myApp = {};
myApp.panel = {
    toggleDisplay : function() {
        this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none") ? "" : "none";
    defaultWidth : 300

myApp.notepad = {
    writeable: true,
    font: 'helvetica',
    setFont: function(theFont) {
        this.font = theFont;

//Same brute-force inheritance as example (1)
myApp.notepad.defaultWidth = myApp.panel.defaultWidth;

3. Constructor using Object Literal (courtesy of Douglas Crockford)

var myApp = {};

myApp.Panel = function(defaultWidth ) {
    var that = {};
    that.defaultWidth = defaultWidth ;
    that.toggleDisplay = function() {
        that.displayed = (that.displayed==="none") ? "" : "none";
    return that;

myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont, width) {
    var that = myApp.Panel(300);
    that.writeable = true;
    that.font = defaultFont;
    that.setFont = function(theFont) {
        that.font = theFont;
    return that;

//true inheritance without using new or prototype (courtesy of Douglas Crockford)
myApp.notepad1 = myApp.Notepad('helvetica',300);

4. Simple Constructor for new

var myApp = {};

myApp.Panel = function(defaultWidth) {
    this.defaultWidth=defaultWidth ;
    this.toggleDisplay = function() {
        this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none") ? "" : "none";

myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont) {
    this.writeable = true;
    this.font = defaultFont;
    this.setFont = function(theFont) {
        this.font = theFont;

myApp.notepad1 = new myApp.Notepad('helvetica');
//Without prototype we can only kluge inheritance here. Example (5) will fix it.
myApp.notepad1.defaultWidth; //undefined

5. Prototype with Constructor for new

//utility function
function deepClone(obj) {
    var clone = {};
    for(var i in obj) {
        if(typeof(obj[i])==="object") {
            clone[i] = obj[i].deepClone();
        } else {
            clone[i] = obj[i];
    return clone;
 myApp = {};

myApp.Panel = function(defaultWidth) {
    this.defaultWidth = defaultWidth;
myApp.Panel.prototype.toggleDisplay = function() {
    this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none") ? '' : "none";
    alert('display = ' + (this.displayed ? 'on' : 'off'));

myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont,defaultWidth) {
    myApp.Panel.call(this,defaultWidth); //inject self into Panel constructor
    this.font = defaultFont;

//inherit from Panel....
//better to simply grab Panel's prototype rather than create new instance of Panel
myApp.Notepad.prototype = myApp.Panel.prototype.deepClone();

myApp.Notepad.prototype.writeable = true;
myApp.Notepad.prototype.setFont = function(theFont) {
    this.font = theFont;

//true inheritance - this time using prototype
myApp.notepad1 = new myApp.Notepad('helvetica',300);
myApp.notepad1.defaultWidth; //300

Monday, February 15, 2010

Five ways to create objects....

1) and 2) are best suited for creation of one-time objects. 3), 4) and 5) define templates for creation of multiple objects with a shared design.

All are useful and none are wrong.. If I only needed one notebook in my app, I'd lean towards using 2) since it neatly encapsulates all properties within its defining closures. For multiple notebook "instances" I like 5) simply because I can lock generic properties into the prototype object, making the constructor cleaner and more efficient 

Next time I'll talk about how to employ object inheritance with each methodology.  

1. Simple Object Literal

myApp.notepad = {};
myApp.notepad.writeable = true;
myApp.notepad.font = 'helvetica';
myApp.notepad.setFont = function(theFont) {
    myApp.notepad.font = theFont;

2. Nested Object Literal

myApp.notepad = {
    writeable: true,
    font: 'helvetica',
    setFont: function(theFont) {
        this.font = theFont;

3. Constructor using Object Literal

myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont) {
    var that = {};
    that.writeable = true;
    that.font = defaultFont;
    that.setFont = function(theFont) {
        that.font = theFont;
    return that;
myApp.notepad1 = myApp.Notepad('helvetica');

4. Simple Constructor for new

myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont) {
    this.writeable = true;  
    this.font = defaultFont;
    this.setFont = function(theFont) {
        this.font = theFont;
myApp.notepad1 = new myApp.Notepad('helvetica');

5. Prototype with Constructor for new

myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont) {
    this.font = defaultFont;  
myApp.Notepad.prototype.writeable = true;
myApp.Notepad.prototype.setFont = function(theFont) {
    this.font = theFont;  
myApp.notepad1 = new myApp.Notepad('helvetica');

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Argument management

So you wanted to beef up your JavaScript utility by adding a bunch of config options and now you have a constructor with 10 arguments.

Fortunately JavaScript does not support function overloading, so you only have to supply arguments up to the last non null value. Unfortunately, if you only want to provide arguments 1, 6, 7 and 10 you also need to specify a lot of null arguments in between - and you need to count the null arguments very carefully to be certain exactly which value you are assigning to which argument. And pity anyone who is trying to read your code.

function CleverThing(element, duration, rotation, suspension, gravitation, gradation, hesitation, gestation, scale, color) {
   this.element = element;
   this.duration = duration;
   this.rotation = rotation;
   ... ... 

var newThing = new CleverThing('arrow', null, null, null, null, 80, 200, null, null, '#FF0000' );

Object literals to the rescue. Merge all your optional arguments into one, call it something like 'options', and assign attributes only as required

function CleverThing(element, options) {
   this.element = element;
   this.duration = options.duration;
   this.rotation = options.rotation;
   ... ... 

var newThing = new CleverThing('arrow',{gradation:80, hesitation:200, color:'#FF0000'});

Now you only need pass what you need and anyone viewing the statement can plainly see the intention. Oh and of course you can now pass the options in any order.

The Case against Switch

I've never been fond of switch statements, whether in JavaScript or Java. They're big and hard to follow, and of course if you forget the break keyword after each case you enter  fall-through hell. (Since break statements are almost always intended it seems a pain to have to add them manually)

Fortunately JavaScript offers the simplicity and elegance of Object literals as an alternative.

Example 1: Using switch is hard to read and the data is mixed with the logic

var whatToBring;
    case "Sunny": 
        whatToBring = "Sunscreen and hat";
    case "Rain": 
        whatToBring  ="Umbrella and boots"
    case "Cold": 
        whatToBring = "Scarf and Gloves";
    default : whatToBring = "Play it by ear";

Example 2: Pull data into object construct. Logic becomes clean

var gear = {
    "Sunny" : "Sunscreen and hat",
    "Rain" : "Umbrella and boots",
    "Cold" : "Scarf and Gloves",
    "Default" : "Play it by ear"
var whatToBring =
    gear[weather] ? gear[weather] : gear["Default"];